• Ismi Dewi Anjani Department of English Education, STKIP Al Maksum Langkat
  • Azzahra Alya Rahmi Department of English Education, STKIP Al Maksum Langkat
  • Dinda Aristiana Department of English Education, STKIP Al Maksum Langkat
  • Dian Kusmawardani Department of English Education, STKIP Al Maksum Langkat
  • Hafiz Muahad Department of English Education, STKIP Al Maksum Langkat


This is an action study to see if teaching vocabulary using puppets is effective in improving student performance. The findings are expected to enrich teachers' strategies for vocabulary teaching through puppets, especially for primary school students. The subjects of the study were SD IT AZ-ZAHRA DENDANG-STABAT There are 46 students (22 boys and 24 girls). This action research is divided into three steps. The first step of the campaign is pre-testing. The second step of the activity is an action consisting of four activities. In the first activity, the teacher performed a puppet in front of the class. The theme of the first activity is fruits and animals. In the second activity, the teacher performed a puppet about a road sign. In the third activity, the teacher performed a puppet about body parts. In the last activity, the teacher performed a puppet about things in the classroom. The third step of the activity is to conduct a post-test and answer the questionnaire. From the data analysis, it can be seen that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test results of the students. The average score of students in the pre-test is 56.63%, and the average score of the post-test is 96.19%. The main factor influencing this improvement was the students' interest in the puppets given. It can be proved from the survey results. Therefore, the use of puppets can be suggested to teach vocabulary, especially to improve students' vocabulary mastery. The results are expected to inspire language teachers to use puppets to teach English in the classroom, especially when teaching English vocabulary to elementary school students.
