• Rizka Dwi Fani Department of English Education, STKIP Al Maksum Langkat
  • Rakhmah Muta’aalii Syahni Hrp Department of English Education, STKIP Al Maksum Langkat
  • Muhammad Surya Fadilah Department of English Education, STKIP Al Maksum Langkat
  • Sinta Wulandari Department of English Education, STKIP Al Maksum Langkat


Vocabulary is an critical detail of language coaching in EFL classes. Vocabulary is considered hard for younger beginners due to the fact they do now no longer practice them in ordinary life. Young novices study new vocabulary thru sports associated with seeing and hearing. Therefore, English instructor ought to pick out the suitable media. One of them is via way of means of the use of Audio-visible media. This research has two problems as follows: (1) How is the students’ vocabulary ability after being with audio-visual media at TK/RA Al Maksum Langkat? (2) How is the students’ pronunciation ability after being with audio-visual media at TK/RA Al Maksum Langkat? The approach of this research is Quantitative Research and pre-experimental design as a technique that is one-shot case study. The sample of this research was B class with 15 students. This research was held in three meetings, the first treatment, second-treatment, and the last post-test. The researcher used oral test as the instrument to collect the data. She used the mean score to analyse the data of the students. The researcher assessed vocabulary from 3 aspects, they are: meaning, pronunciation, and intonation. Based on data analysis most of the students got the good score. It can be seen from the mean of the score is 72,2. The highest mean score is located on the meaning aspect that is 75. While the mean score of pronunciation aspect is 68 and intonation aspect is 73. Thus, it can be concluded that using Audio-visual media to teach vocabulary is effective to B class of TK/RA Al Maksum Langkat.
