• Rosmen STKIP Al Maksum Langkat, Stabat, Indonesia
  • Maitri Rahmadhani STKIP Al Maksum Langkat, Stabat, Indonesia
  • Yusrah STKIP Al Maksum Langkat, Stabat, Indonesia
Kata Kunci: listening activities, online, Whatsapp


This study was conducted to investigate the perception of the first semester students of English Study Program of STKIP Al – Maksum Langkat toward the use of Whatsapp in listening for online leaning in the pandemic Covid-19 period. Eighty three students were involved in this study. Basic qualitative research method, as proposed by Ary was applied. Four-point Likert scale in form of closed-questionnaire and interview were used for the data collection. Basic statistic was applied for analysed the questionnaire which were shared via Google Form. Interview result was coded until the themes developed and then they were interpreted. It was confirmed that just a few of the students assumed that online listening activities via Whatsapp was effectively less, because it was new stuff for them. But conclusively, dominantly students’ perception towards the use of Whatsapp in listening activities in the online learning was positive.


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