• Rahmi Aulia Nurdini Bina Sarana Informatika University ( UBSI )
  • Imtihan Hanim Muhammadiyah Tangerang University
Keywords: Perception, Online learning, Learning Strategy


The study is investigating the perceptions of students about learning using online
method, the problems they encountered during e-learning process and their
strategy to face e-learning method. The subject of the research was coming from 4
students who were divided into third and fifth semester from 2 universities, such
as Bina Sarana Informatika and Muhammadiyah Tangerang University. The
descriptive qualitative is used to gather the required data. Five questions are
asked to get the data through online interview. Data shows that most of the
students’ perceptions on online learning method is quite similar. Most of the
students feel the same problems which relate to internet connection problems. The
problem distracted their understanding of the materials given by the lecturers.
Then, the strategy to encounter the problems are asking and discussing with
friends. Besides, they also find their own way through internet. Despite of being
easy to find many ways to solve the problems, the offline method becomes their
most favourable learning method.


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